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2077 年的夜城,是一個完全自由的城市,這裡不受法律與道德的約束,富豪在按摩浴缸中慵懶度日,窮人在狹窄骯髒的巷弄裡苟且偷生...,科技的力量無遠弗屆、無孔不入,人們透過各種植入物改造身體,增強功能,但是越強的植入物,副作用也更可怕。


Night City in 2077 is a completely free city, free from the constraints of laws and morals, the rich spend their days lazily in the jacuzzi, and the poor live in the narrow and dirty alleys..., thanks to technology, power is far-reaching and pervasive. People use various implants to transform their bodies and enhance their functions. However, the stronger the implant, the more terrifying the side effects.

There's a young man who steals a military-grade implant that no one can handle, "CyberDick"...

$600 / 售價


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